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Multiple University Trials Validate Benefit of Commence® for Soybeans

Agnition announced today that multiple recent university research trials demonstrate that Commence® for Soybeans, a seed treatment, increases yield for greater profits. The trails were conducted by the University of Nebraska – Lincoln and Iowa State University. Results were highlighted by the Iowa State Reseach where replicated trials in Ames and Boone Iowa resulted in an average gain of 4.0 bushels an acre over an untreated check.

Many treatments focus on physically protecting seed. Commence takes a different approach by utilizing the seed to deliver patented technologies that enhance the immediate growing environment for healthier soil and plants.

“Commence is seed treatment done differently,” said Agnition Brand Manager Andy Lanoue. “We use the seed to target soil microbes in the  immediate soil environment where germination and early plant growth occur. Healthier soil leads to faster and more consistent emergence, improved stand count, improved plant health and vigor and plants with increased stress tolerance. Ultimately that results in greater yields and profits.”

Commence for Soybeans is powered by patented Microbial Catalyst® technology which enhances the microbial life in the environment around the seed for improved plant growth and development. Stimulating microbes liberates nutrients and drives production of additional components vital to plant vigor.

“The research trials reinforce what we have seen many times in our research farm trails and producer trials: Commence creates healthier soil for healthier plants that withstand stress and yield more,” Lanoue said.

About Agnition

Agnition is a brand of Ralco, a third-generation, family-owned multinational company with distribution in more than 20 countries. Ralco is a leading global supplier of livestock nutrition, animal health products and crop enhancement technologies that support large segments of the livestock, poultry, aquaculture and crop production industries.

For more information contact:

Glenn Bader

(507) 337-6867


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